
These two diagrams are done in a different style trying to convey ideas in a less analytical way.

Bounding Elements of the Site

Possible Pedestrian Friendly/Green Connections

2 thoughts on “Diagrams

  1. Nancy Cheng says:


    In reviewing your blog postings, I am seeing some well-crafted graphics and models. I am eager to read more about your thinking about the project. Since most of your graphic posts have minimal writing, it is very difficult to discern what you really care about, what will be the core of your design project.

    Each time you post anything, please provide an explanation of why you are posting it and what you have learned from looking at it and thinking about it. This will give the reader more to respond about and you can start to develop a dialog with your audience.

    Your diagrams will be more illuminating if they can tell use more about what is invisible at first glance – such as how the place changes from day to night, from season to season, what is the demographic of the residents. Be careful about the accuracy of your images. While the tree canopy mapping looks impressive, building footprint figure ground looks like it is missing some of the more minor buildings. For example, the swirling green ribbon of “Possible Pedestrian Friendly/Green Connections” looks at the outset very compelling but if you know the area at all, then it leaves big question marks. Showing the ribbon extend along the 84 Banfield Expressway, past the 84 / I-5 corridor and over the Broadway Bridge is puzzling because while those areas are green, it is currently impossible to walk or bike in those areas.

    You could make your site representations more compelling by combining different viewpoints and media. The fact that all your images come from aerial views makes it hard to feel any emotional attachment to the place – it is as if you have never gotten your shoes dirty from walking along the embankment. I want to see the site through your eyes and through your hands.

    Remember that you can share the site data gathering and interpretation with your classmates. Let’s see your team reach out and interact with the key players of the Lloyd District.

  2. Nancy,

    Thank you for the feedback. I am planning on updating the diagrams and adding explanations based on the feedback that I have recieved so far. I have been gathering some helpful information regarding the zoning requirements of the site that could be helpful for other people in our studio as well.

    Thank you.

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